FYI: The city of Greenfield, California enhances its police fleet with Tesla Model Y vehicles aiming to prioritize safety, affordability, and environmental sustainability.
Greenfield Police Department Modernizes Fleet with Tesla Model Y Units
Greenfield, California, is making strides in modernizing its police fleet by introducing three Tesla Model Y vehicles. According to Police Chief Guillermo Mixer, these electric vehicles (EVs) are pivotal for safety, performance, and cost-efficiency compared to traditional combustion-powered cars.
Prioritizing Safety and Performance
Police Chief Guillermo Mixer expressed strong support for the new Tesla Model Y additions. "It’s a very safe car with a five-star crash rating, making it superior in safety compared to other vehicles. It’s also the fastest vehicle out there," Mixer told KSBW Action News.
Environmental and Economic Benefits
The move to electric vehicles also promises substantial environmental advantages. The city procured the Tesla Model Y units, each valued at approximately $50,000. However, after factoring in federal and state incentives, the actual cost dropped to about $42,000 per unit. This is notably lower than the $55,000 price tag for a new Ford Explorer, another vehicle used by the Greenfield Police Department.
Long-Term Cost Savings
A critical factor in the decision to adopt Tesla Model Y vehicles is the significant reduction in operating expenses. The police department anticipates saving between $8,000 and $10,000 annually on fuel costs alone. "We’re projecting to save between 8 to $10,000 a year on fuel. We also won’t need oil changes, transmission fluid changes, or radiator fluid changes. It’s just going to be tires and brakes," Mixer explained.
Community Reactions
Despite the benefits, the community’s reaction has been mixed. Some residents expressed their frustration on the Greenfield Police Department’s Facebook page, accusing the city of wasting taxpayer money on what they perceive to be luxury items. Addressing these concerns, Chief Mixer clarified that although the initial costs for upfitting the Teslas, such as modifying wheels and suspension for police pursuits, might be higher, the long-term financial benefits are undeniable.
“They think, ‘Hey, this is a luxury item,’ but it’s actually cheaper to buy this vehicle than a Ford Explorer. It may cost a bit more to upfit them, but in the long run, it’s going to save money. We need vehicles, so there’s no getting around that. We’re going to save money on our fleet,” Mixer elaborated.
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William Kouch, Editor of